
Thrifty Thursdays - MakeUp Brush Holders

Eeeep, I got so excited about my giveaway I nearly forgot about Thrifty Thursdays,

Naughty me!
This one is not as exciting as the last, but equally as helpful
Recently, thanks to Make Up Obsessives aka MUO(welcome everyone who is from there as well ! x )
I discovered in NZ, our Japanese Mart has an awesome selection of
cheap containers great for holding my brushes
However, keeping them in line was a nightmare!
All of my brushes were falling to one side,
everything brush was getting it's bristles up in every other brushes business
Bascially they had no privacy and looked a mess
UNTIL, I discovered none other than the humble coffee bean
Yes, you heard right, not only did pouring beans into the containers
until they were half full smell great,
It also made a great platform for keeping them all in the own personal bubble
I know they're not always the cheapest, or something you have lying around
But if you do, they really do work

Until next time
Stay beautiful

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hi - you won the candle on streetandcityphotos.com -cant find your email. email me at wallacejnr@ihug.co.nz - cheers !
